

Boswellia Boswellia is also called Frankincense (means frank/true incense). And this differentiates it from other balsamic resins. When we talk about incense without giving its denomination, we always mean the real incense. This is the quintessential incense, as this gum resin is rich in boswellic acids, essential oils and polosaccharides. In fact it is able to carry out a strong anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving action. On several pathologies also on the joints and bones. It is boswellic acid, which is able to block the enzyme from producing lipid molecules involved in inflammatory processes. It serves above all to reduce the inflammatory states of the muscular and skeletal system. It's one of the remedies for muscle pain and joint pain. But its use doesn't stop at joints and bones, because it also has bronchodilating properties and therefore reduces asthma symptoms. This plant is defined as an incense plant as the gum resin obtained can be burned. This incense is used to aid in relaxation, meditation and prayer. Without forgetting a very important point, in fact Boswellia improves breathing. Burn 3/5 grains at a time. Important: always ventilate rooms where incense is burned. This is only a small part of the information regarding this incense, follow us and we will give you more information.
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Special Sunday

Psychic Fair & Witches Market special Sunday

Psychic Fair & Witches Market

an appointment not to be missed, for all our friends. on January 29, 2023, don't miss the Psychic Fair and the Witch Market. In a magnificent castle located in Kent. This is a county in southeast England. And Whitstable, to the north, is a coastal town with colorful cottages and a harborside fish market. To visit and where to relax and stroll. But first we have to go to the castle, where, as I said, we will spend a very special day. In fact we will be able to go to the magnificent Orangery Tea Rooms which will be open all day. Breakfasts, light lunches, cream teas and much more will be served. Where we have psychic readings and tarot readings. There are also the card readings of angels, healers. There will be wellness stands w. crystals. With books always related to the theme of the day. And so there will be candles, just as there will be a wide choice of incense. But we will also find works of art, the inevitable jewels and much more. It will be a special Sunday, which you cannot give up.... Free admission and free parking on site. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 16:00 Whitstable Castle and Gardens Tower Hill Whitstable Kent CT5 2BW
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Incense: a real anti-inflammatory

Incense: a real anti-inflammatory

Incense Boswellia resin, known as incense, can have beneficial effects against inflammation of the body and for the benefit of the immune system

The incense, as we know it Westerners, is that substance that impregnates the fragrant sticks that in many are used to light to perfume the rooms. The use of pure incense in churches is also known - even if today it has fallen into disuse. But perhaps few people know that this resin extracted from the Boswellia tree actually has medicinal properties that make it compare by some experts to a real anti-inflammatory drug and stimulating the immune system. However, alas, at the moment there are not enough clinical studies that attest the properties in the pharmacological field such as to make incense an element to be used in the production of drugs in Europe.


To remedy this, a natural medicine company instructed German researchers from the University of Saarbrücken, coordinated by Dr. Oliver Werz, to examine the curative effects of incense. Therefore, in the East and the experts of complementary medicine, the anti-inflammatory properties of incense are known - which is also used in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, atopic dermatitis etc. - in the Western scientific community It enjoys all this fame. This is why Werz and colleagues wanted to investigate its potential and, in particular, on the activity of so-called boswellic acids. "The boswellic acids - explains Werz in the US communiqué - interact with several different proteins that are part of the inflammatory reactions, but above all with an enzyme that is responsible for the synthesis of prostaglandin E2". Prostaglandin E2 plays a major role in the inflammatory process because it is one of the mediators of the immune response. This process also includes the onset of fever and pain.


According to the researchers, the boswellic acids would be able to block this enzyme in order to reduce the inflammatory response. In addition, the possibility that there are no side effects of any kind makes the incense a possible anti-inflammatory remedy alternative to traditional drugs which, on the other hand, have a fair number of contraindications and undesirable effects - including the risk of ulcers and renal dysfunction . But not all incense resins have the same potential. In fact, following the analysis of the more than 10 species of Boswellia it emerged that the most powerful and effective is the Boswellia papyrifera. "We have been able to show that the resin of Boswellia papyrifera is ten times more powerful [than the others] - emphasizes Werz.


But not only do different plants have different effects, the boswellic acids are an exclusive of these plants and are very difficult to reproduce synthetically, the authors point out. So if we want to exploit the benefits we must protect these plants that, today, are in danger of extinction. If we lose these precious green sources we do not only lose a planet's heritage but also the possibility of creating useful drugs to combat diseases related to inflammation of the organism, the researchers warn. We are warned. [Lm & sdp]


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"Let my prayer come to you as incense" (Ps 140: 2) Incense is an odorous rubber resin that, by burning, perfumes the air, purifies it, makes it pleasant to the nose and, in the sacred rites, prepares the spirit for the encounter with God. This precious resin is produced from a shrub that grows wild in Asia and Africa. The incense gushes in the form of drops from the incisions that are made on the plants that produce it, and solidifies on contact with the air. The first secretion of the plant has no value and is thrown away, the second is considered mediocre and only the third gives the precious incense, known since ancient times by peoples of different languages ​​and cultures. Used on many different occasions, incense is linked to a profane religious and profane symbolism. Some oriental peoples who practiced the cult of the dead believed that the smoke of incense, rising up to heaven, led the souls of the dead into the aftermath. Among the pagans, the incense was burned before the images of the gods and before the emperor equated with them. In the early centuries of Christianity, many Christians were martyred for refusing to perform this idolatrous gesture. Later, to distinguish between Christian and pagan worship, the use of incense by the liturgy was suppressed and was restored only after the edict of Constantine and the end of paganism. In the Cult of Israel Let us now take a quick look at the presence of incense in the Liturgy of the Old Testament, beginning with the biblical narrative in which Moses received from the Lord the order to build a special altar reserved for incense and linked to divine worship. "You will make an altar on which to burn incense: you will make it from acacia wood (...). You will cover his plan, its sides, its horns with pure gold and make a golden border around it (...). You will bring the altar before the veil that conceals the ark of the Testimony, in front of the cover that is above the testimony, where I will give you a conference. Aronne will burn the aromatic incense on it: he will burn it every morning when he will re-sort the lamps and burn it even at sunset, when Aaron will fill the lamps: perennial incense before the Lord for your generations (...). It is a most holy thing for the Lord "(Ex 30: 1-10). The incense was also placed above the oblations burnt on the altar as a memorial: "sweet perfume for the Lord" (cf. Lv 2). Later, in the Temple of Jerusalem, in the annual celebration of the great Atonement (in Hebrew: Yom Kippur), the high priest passed the veil of the Temple and entered with the incense burner in the Holy of Holies, to burn "two handfuls of incense incense. pulverized ", then, a dense and perfumed cloud, enveloped every part of the most holy place where the Ark of the Covenant was kept (Cf. Lv16,12-13). The scented resin of incense, was among the precious balms that composed the oil of the sacred anointing, used for the consecration of the sanctuary, of the High Priest Aaron and his sons (Cf. Ex 30: 22ff). In Israel, people, objects, and places reserved for the worship of the One God were incensed. All those who participated in divine worship were invited to give a sweet spiritual perfume: "Listen, holy children ... As incense spread a good fragrance" (Sir 39,13-14). In Christianity At the beginning of the Gospel of Luke, we find an extraordinary figure: the Priest Zechariah. He is between the Old and the New Testament and has a very important role in the history of salvation. This priest of the Old Covenant received a special announcement from God as he "officiated before the Lord in the turn of his class". Zechariah was in the Holy (the environment of the Temple of Jerusalem that preceded the Holy of Holies) to "make the offering of incense. The whole assembly of the people prayed outside in the hour of incense. Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense "(Lk 1: 9-11). It was the angel Gabriel who brought the announcement of the birth of John the Baptist to the old priest. The place, the hour and the priestly task that Zacharias was preparing to carry out place the announcement of the Baptist's birth in a sacred climate of prayer and spiritual offering. The incense, linked to the worship of the Israelites, will later be present, with its rich symbolic value, also in the Christian liturgy, especially in the Church of the East. In the Gospel of Matthew, the homage given to Jesus by some mysterious personages is described: the Magi. From the distant lands of the east to meet the "king of the Jews", they offer him as a gift, with gold and myrrh, also the fragrant incense, kept in precious caskets (Cf. Mt 2,11). In Jerusalem In the fourth century of the Christian era, the famous pilgrim Egeria described a liturgy that took place in the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem: "When these three psalms were sung and these three prayers were performed, here are thuribles brought into the cave of the 'Anastasi, because all the Anastasi basilica is filled with perfumes ". [1] The solemn incensation of the sacred grotto in which Christ was resurrected preceded the reading by the bishop of the Gospel of the resurrection. The use of the incense in the Holy Sepulcher, reproposes the image of women who brought aromatic oils to embalm the body of the Lord and instead found the angel who announced its glorious resurrection (Cf Mc 1,6). According to St. Paul, all Christians, with their testimony of faith, spread the perfume of Christ who offered himself to the Father "in a sacrifice of sweet smell" (Cf. 2 Cor 2: 14-16; Eph 5: 2). Celestial liturgy In the heavenly Jerusalem, John saw in an extraordinary way the ritual known to him of the Temple of Jerusalem, with the fragrant and bloodless offering of incense, a symbol of the worshiping prayer of all the redeemed. "Then came another angel and stood at the altar, holding a gold censer. He was given many perfumes to offer them together with the prayers of all the saints burning them on the golden altar, placed before the throne. And from the hand of the angel the smoke of the aromas ascended before God, together with the prayers of the saints "(Rev 8,3-4). incensation "The use of incense is optional in any form of Mass. You can use incense: a) during the entrance procession; b) at the beginning of the Mass, to incense the altar; c) the procession and proclamation of the Gospel; d) to the offertory, to incense the offerings, the altar, the priest and the people; e) to the ostension of the host and of the cup after the consecration. "(PNMR 235). The incensing of persons must always be understood in reference to their status as baptized persons: children of God and temple of the Holy Spirit. The same applies to the dead, whose bodies have been sanctified in life by the sacraments and await the final resurrection. Incensing by moving the censer in the form of a cross, it recalls the death on the cross of the Lord; while circular incense means that the gifts and offers have been circumscribed, that is, reserved for divine worship. Although it is optional, the use of incense gives solemnity to liturgical celebrations and creates an atmosphere of sacred reverence. [1] See Egeria, Travel Diary, 24.10 - Ed. Paoline [*] Aid for Formation and Liturgical Spirituality - Diocese of Rome 00184 Rome - S. Giovanni in Laterano, 6 edited by Vittoria Scanu
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Come and burn an incenses

Incenses in whatever form they are, seeds, roots, resins, leaves or wood, we advise you to use charcoals, at the end of this guide there is also a brief explanation on how to use them. To understand how to burn incense correctly we must make a distinction between RESINS on one side and all the other types we have listed on the other; in fact, while the former can always burn directly on charcoal the same thing may not be true for other types of incense. To clarify, let's start by looking at the resins: RESINS: Contrary to what is commonly thought, the resins are not all the same but can be divided into two main groups: Resins that burn off leave residues: belong to this type all those resins that do not burn completely but leave residues, this fact is mainly due to impurities present, that they are woods or other is not very relevant, in fact when we burn one of these resins we will see that once the combustion process is finished, remains remain on the charcoal. Some examples are MIRRA, the resin of BOSWELLIA (all types), BORENA, etc ... The problem with these resins is that the residue of the combustion tends to carbonize and produce an unpleasant "Burned" smell. There are some tricks that can help to limit this problem: rnrnrn Clean the charcoal, using a simple teaspoon, before the grains carbonize and produce the bad smell. This can be done as many times as you want, as long as the charcoal lasts, and will always ensure a good smell. By reducing the resins to the powder, the phenomenon of carbonization, even if always present, is less relevant and the smell of burning will be less evident. However, this presupposes that you work with a mortar or other to reduce the grains of the powdered resin. The contraindication in this case concerns the conservation, in fact the powdered resins lose their aroma before they leave whole. It may be advisable to pulverize the resins just before using them rather than stockpiled pulverized resin. Resins that melt completely: belong to this type all those resins that in contact with the heat will melt. An example is the GOMMA MASTICE, the BENZOINO DEL SIAM, the DAMMAR etc .. This type of resins does not present the problem of carbonization as melting completely leaves no residue. The problem with this type of resins is that once placed on charcoal it is not possible to remove them until they are completely burned. While with the others if I want to change the resin just remove the grains that are burning, with these you can not do it. It is therefore important not to overdo the quantities and always put little resin at a time, moreover, in general, these resins produce much more smoke than the others. WOODS, LEAVES, ROOTS, SEEDS To burn these types of incense it is good to have some precautions that always apply: All these incenses produce residues when they burn and therefore produce a "burnt" smell towards the end of the combustion. Reducing incense into powder helps to contain this problem. The perfumes of these types are generally more delicate than resins, in case you want to create mixtures it is good to have this fact in mind in order to balance the quantities. Not all these incenses can burn directly on charcoal, for some a preparation helps to get better results. An example is the CARDAMOMO that if burnt whole will produce an excellent fragrance but if you first grind it, free the seeds from the shell, the result will be even better. These types of incenses should always be burned after being DRIED. An example would be ROSEMARY, if you burn it fresh you will notice that it tends to produce a very fast burning smell; if it is dried and then burned, the scent produced will be more intense and the smell of burnt much less. CHARCOALS They come in the form of self-igniting carbon pods which, when lit, burn by themselves. The incense should be placed on the burning charcoal so that it can release its aroma. The charcoal have the great advantage of being easy to use and being suitable to burn all types of incense, whether they are plants, resins or other, thanks to the high temperature they reach. There are two types: 1) fast combustion: these pods, thin and slightly rounded, with a thickness of about half a centimeter, turn on very quickly and last on average 20/25 minutes. Since the fast ignition obtained thanks to a greater proportion of sulfur and saltpeter, at the time of ignition a considerable quantity of smoke will develop. It is advisable to turn them on near an open window or directly outdoors. 2) slow combustion: they light up slowly and do not release as much smoke as the others; on average, a charcoal lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. ATTENTION: the charcoal develops a very high temperature so it should NOT be placed on supports that could be damaged. AVOIDED: glass, plastic or metal ashtrays if thin (as well as glowing, they will burn the one on which they are placed). You can use all those supports that do not fear the heat as: stone ashtrays, incense burners, burning stone or metal essences. The best support for using charcoal a thurible or burning incense.
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Specific Incenses for each Zodiac Sign

Specific Incenses for each Zodiac Sign

Specific Incenses for each Zodiac Sign

We make Custom Incenses according to your Zodiac sign. Fill in the form and we will send your custom incense

ARIES Bergamot, cinnamon, cypress, lemongrass, copal, carnation, jasmine, geranium, lemon, mimosa, myrrh, musk, olibanum, pine, rose, verbena and civet. BULL Cyclamen, geranium, magnolia, apple, musk, orchid, palmarosa, patchouli, pine, rose, elderberry, clover, vanilla, violet, ylang-ylang, ginger and civet. GEMINI Acacia, bergamot, camellia, honeysuckle, lemongrass, gardenia, jasmine, hyacinth, lily, lavender, lemon, magnolia, almond, mastic, myrrh, storax, tuberose, vanilla and vetiver. CANCER - Acacia, ambergris, cyclamen, eucalyptus, gardenia, jasmine, Indian jasmine, lily, lavender, sandalwood, lemon, lotus, myrrh, patchouli, sweet pea, rose, elderberry, stem, violet and ginger. LION Acacia, ambergris, benzoin, cinnamon, lemongrass, copal, heliotrope, galbanum, hyacinth, sandalwood, mastic, mimosa, musk and olibanum. VIRGIN Acacia, bergamot, camellia, honeysuckle, cypress, heliotrope, gardenia, jasmine, lily, lavender, magnolia, almond, musk, patchouli, storax, clover, vanilla, vetiver. WEIGHT SCALE Benzoin, cyclamen, geranium, sandalwood, magnolia, apple, lily of the valley, musk, orchid, palmarosa, sweet pea, rose, vanilla, verbena, violet, ginger and civet. SCORPIO Aloe, ambergris, cypress, gardenia, carnation, myrrh, pine, vanilla, violet and ginger. SAGITTARIUS Cedar, copal, carnation, iris, lavender, mastic, lily of the valley, olibanum, orchid, pine, sweet pea, sturgeon, clover, tuberose, vanilla, violet and ginger. CAPRICORN ambergris, benzoin, cedar, cypress, elemi, geranium, lily, sandalwood, magnolia, mimosa, myrrh, musk, frankincense, opium, orchid, patchouli, pine, clover, verbena, vetiver, violet, ylang-ylang and civet. AQUARIUM Acacia, ambergris, benzoin, cypress, Indian jasmine, lavender, lemon, almond, mastic, mimosa, oak moss, orchid, palmarosa, patchouli, pine, clover, vetiver, ginger. FISH Eucalyptus, gardenia, jasmine, iris, sandalwood, lemon, pine, odorous pea, costus root.

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